Building futures.
Strengthening communities.
Granting opportunities.
Our History
The Awarua Trust was the brain child of Edna Money. Edna lived in the Morrinsville Community for all of her life. She completed all of her schooling here and her father used to run the local taxi business early in the 20th century.
Edna qualified as an accountant and was in public practice for many years. Throughout her time as an accountant, she had strong ties to the agricultural scene and in particular, dairy farming. She had hands on experience with both running and managing a dairy farm. She worked closely with a farm adviser and attended regular meetings with the 50/50 share milker she had working on her own farm, which was later transferred to the ownership of the Awarua Trust.
Edna had strong Christian beliefs. She felt that the various denominations played an important part in the Morrinsville community.
She had a passion to ensure sustainable food practices are carried out throughout the world and was of the belief that young people’s education should be improved to ensure this is achieved.
Edna also had a specific interest with the Pacific Islands, particularly the Solomon Islands where she had visited several times. She had two sisters who were missionaries there for many years. Edna remained in close contact with the Solomon Islands right up until her death. She felt that, because of the poverty the Solomon Island community endures, a helping hand is required to educate people to benefit the wider community.
Over the years, Edna had discussed how she could benefit people both during her lifetime and after her death. After a lot of conversation and discussion, it was decided that a charitable Trust would be a fantastic vehicle for achieving her goal of benefiting others in the fields she was most passionate about.
The Awarua Trust was established in March 2007.
Edna passed away on 10 August 2013 and, just as she had wished, the Trust has continued to be a success and benefitted many individuals and organisations since her passing. It is a pleasure for the Trustees to be able to assist local community groups and share in the successes of the scholarship applicants.
In the financial year ended 31 May 2016, the Trustees provided funding of approximately $140,930.00 to various individuals and community groups. In the financial year ended 31 May 2017 the Trustees provided funding of approximately $69,480.00 to various individuals and community groups.