Building futures.
Strengthening communities.
Granting opportunities.
The Awarua Trust provides scholarships to tertiary-level students and grants to various community groups and organisations completing projects, mainly in the
Matamata-Piako area and the Pacific Islands.
To be eligible for a grant or scholarship with Awarua Trust, you must be one of the below criteria;
Agricultural Education
If you are completing tertiary study relating to agriculture, animal health or food production you may be eligible for a scholarship.
Relief of poverty in the Pacific Islands
If you are of Pacific Island (particularly Solomon Island) descent and you are completing study in New Zealand with the sole purpose of returning to the Pacific Islands once your studies have been completed you may be eligible for a scholarship.
Christian Activities
If you are completing study that relates to Christianity you may be eligible for a scholarship
Morrinsville Community
If your study relates to Morrinsville history and the preservation of historical sites, information or artefacts you may be eligible for a scholarship
Scholarship Applications
Meet the criteria and want to apply for a scholarship?
Timing Process
Our timing policies for when applications will be considered and deadlines for receipt of scholarship recipients results:
New Scholarships:
New Scholarship applications are considered at each trust meeting, held every 2 months.
Existing Scholarships:
For consideration of continuation of a Scholarship for Semester 1 in any year the results from Semester 2 of the previous year must be received at least 1 week prior to the February Meeting date for the relevant year.
For consideration of continuation of a Scholarship for Semester 2 in any year the results from Semester 1 of the current year must be received at least 1 week prior to the August Meeting date for the relevant year.
If a student is having trouble/delays in obtaining results they must communicate this with the trustees
Grant Applications are considered 6 monthly, at the trustee meetings held in April and October each year.

How grants are paid
The amount granted to a successful applicant is determined by the Trustees when considering the application. There are several factors which the Trustees will take into consideration when deciding the amount to be granted. Generally the amount granted will not be sufficient to cover the entire cost of your project. The grant will be paid to your nominated bank account shortly after you are advised that your application has been successful. Once you have completed your project, you will be required to provides copies of all invoices relating to the project and bank statements (evidencing payment of the invoices) to the Trustees for their records. You may also be required to present at a trustee meeting on your project or provide the Trustees with a written reference.
Alternatively, the Trustees may make a pledge to your or your organisation. This means that the Trust will grant the funds to you or your organisation, only when the balance of the funds required has been raised by you our your organisation. If the Trustees choose to make a pledge, you will be required to raise the balance of the funds within a specified time frame which will be decided by the Trustees.
Trustee Meetings
The Trustees meet once every eight weeks. When you submit an application you will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of the same and advising the date of the next Trustee meeting. The outcome of your application will be advised to you as soon as possible after the meeting.

Application forms & queries
Application forms completed by hand can be posted to; PO Box 338, Morrinsville or email to info@awaruatrust.co.nz
If you have any queries in relation to completing the application form, please email info@awaruatrust.co.nz